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Serie - History Class Pictures - Set 2. Tudor times to Victoria

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Jaar1956 [Reference book to set 2)
Uitgeversnaam op de plaatMacmillan & Co. Ltd
Serie titelHistory Class Pictures - Set 2. Tudor times to Victoria
AuteurEdward John Stanley Lay
IllustratorJ. Beaven; Lewis F. Lupton, 1909 1996; J.S. Goodall, born 1908-1996; Jack Matthew, born 1911; C. Mary P. Sikes; Ernest Boye Uden, 1911-1986; W. E. Narraway; Lance Harry Mosse Cattermole, 1898-1992; E.G. Oakdale; Norman Howard; Muriel A. Broderick, 1910-1954; Mac. E. Tatchell; H. M. Brock, 1875-1960; John Harwood; A. Bruce Cornwell, 1920-2012; J.D. Evans; Helen McKie, 1889-1957; Ted Baley
Maten bxh [cm]53.3x43
TechniekOp dik papier
BijzonderhedenGrote serie van 240 platen, verdeeld over 4 sets:
- Introductory Set. Prehistoric Man to King Harold of England [als laatste uitgegeven]
- Set 1. Norman times to Tudor times: plates 1-60
- Set 2. Tudor times to Victoria: plates 61-120
- Set 3. Victorian times to Elisabeth II: plates 121-180


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